Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sometimes, I just really hate this cat. Other times, I hate him even more.


  1. My computer went bonkers on me and crashed. So, sorry if I posted this twice. I don't know why, but something about this photo, and the title of your blog and the general nature of your blog makes me laugh...HARD. Like, pee a little bit kind of hard. I don't even know you, but I imagine you just flipping off your cat and that's maybe an average evening at home for you? I don't know...but it makes me want to go flip off my pet rats (my poor kitty passed away last year, or else I'd flip her off).

  2. Aww, thanks, Angie! I'm sorry I haven't been updating lately; I run a seasonal business, and while I still flip the little bastard off, I don't have the vigor to man the camera.

    Rest assured, the hate will resume after Labor Day.
